Wednesday, July 26, 2017

First official day in Taipei

So what did I do today? Well... it was really hard to get up in the morning. I woke up and kind of organized the room so that it's more usable and then left the room around 12pm o_O. Yeah... super late. I really wasn't sure what to do at all.... so I walked around a lot and ended up at a place to eat 滷肉飯. I think they were kind of like.... "um... that's all you're gonna eat?!" Yes. I'm quite cheap.
Pretty good food though, for just 35 NTD. I saw 50嵐 on the way, so I gotta get one to try. I got the original boba milk tea with no modification just to see how it tastes like.... umm.... not good. No tea taste, super sweet, and too much milk.
To be honest, I've been disappointed at Taiwanese drinks so far. The one I went to in Taichung wasn't good either... even though they're supposed to be really famous for boba. What's going on?!

So after this, I decided to go to 松山菸廠, which is a new place they remodeled from old cigaret company (think Packing House). It's not bad... but too creative for me. Everything is really expensive and I just cannot shop there at all.
This thing is so amazing! The artist reconstructed this painting from washi tape!!
What the..... skills...

Since the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall is just around the corner, I thought I would swing by. I'm so glad I did! It was an amazing place! I was super inspired by his life!!
Of the little history that I know, he went with his mom to Honolulu when he was 14 to study and was very much affected by the Western culture and Christianity. When he went back to China, he had different thoughts about life and etc. He got baptized in Hong Kong.

What inspired me the most are these quotes from him.
This one says "educate to save the country". Wow. That's true. A lot of people have no idea why they get an education...... education changes your mind and so you're more prepared and equipped to serve your country!

And this one..
The first one says "Students should set goals to do great things, not to have great positions". That's so true. Your life goal should not be in the position you hold in life.... whether it's in your jobs or the school you go to, but great things you accomplish in life. Changing the focus will change your direction!
This is a quote he wrote for his wife.... which translates roughly to going through life, through the worries and happiness, only love her going through life and death. (sorry about the poor translation).

Here is their ideals about the new government.
The lady got kind of cut off because I was doing panorama and she was going in the opposite direction to my camera. Haha.

By the way, a BUNCH of high school kids were at the memorial doing KPOP and similar dances. It's probably because of those Kpop videos they've been making (and I've seen before on YouTube). This place has turned into a dance practice and showcase area. Bleh.
Walked around and saw Taipei 101.
Went inside because I wanna know what it's all about (never been!). Well..... I guess it's just a bunch of high end stores.... reminds me of LOTTE Department Store. Bleh. People tried to sell makeup to me throughout the place. One lady asked me if I have kids and when I said no, she said I can share my makeup with my husband. Do I really look that old?!

And this is their sales tactic on face mask. Putting little face masks on your hand.
And this is where people always take pictures at. But lighting was off though..
Then it's time to go to Gong-guan area... to go to the Christian bookstore. I must say, I hate my sense of direction! Or the lack of! Oh my goodness.... I had to turn around soooooo many times!!! I think I probably waste 1/5 of my travel time on finding directions. I've never thought I was this bad..... I can barely read Google maps now! What the heck?!?!?!!? Urgh. So it took longer than I expected to find the bookstore because I kept turning around and around.......
It's so much more organized than the two Christian bookstores I went to in Korea. Those were just like warehouses.... so sad. I bought a bunch of stuff here. Christian stuff aren't cheap :( It might not be worth it to buy in Taiwan unless something is really on sale.... I bought a Bible cover for my mom and each one cost about 450 NTD, which is like $15! What the..... that's like the cost of a Bible....

Saw this bike rack outside Taiwan University... amazed.
I saw these signs at most cross streets. I just wanna laugh at it, because it's so not true!
Taipei streets are soooooooo bad!!!!!!!! Cars, motorcycles, even buses (!!!) have no care about your life. They will cut you off if you are not careful. Seriously. It's really really scary. In the more toursity places, they employed these traffic controllers with whistles to help you cross..... it's much safer there. But outside the tourist area, just be super alert....

Alright, so I gave boba one more try at this place that Cathy recommended. Wow... possibly one of the best boba places I've been!
The boba actually had taste this time! And the brown sugar really adds nice flavor to the whole thing. It's just milk and boba, but the brown sugar is the one that makes the whole thing!

Saw a KFC and must try!
Mmm... yum!

Last thing that I tried that day... pudding!
I'm not sure what to say.... it's not the way I remembered it. It was really really sweet...... and so I actually didn't want to finish it, but I did anyways. Bleh. I think I can probably make a more real tasting pudding :(

And that's it for the day!

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