Thursday, July 6, 2017

Heroes Baseball!

I'll spare you the breakfast photo.... haha. It's getting a bit repetitive, although food is still good :)

We had a quiz in class today. Sigh. I think the teacher was afraid that we won't be ready for the quiz, so she gave us a worksheet to do beforehand and she had us check it... and then gave us a quiz with almost the exact same questions on it. Sigh. I think she was pretty disappointed at our grasp of basic level......... oiy. She's a pretty solid teacher, but we're just not at the level she expects us to be.

So our classes are split into two large chunks. The first one is speaking and writing, and the second is reading and listening. By far, I suck the most at speaking and writing.... just not good at spelling and coming up with answers WITH CORRECT PARTICLES quickly. I'm really good at reading and listening as long as I've learned the words before and they speak a bit slowly. Classes are definitely getting harder which means I need to study a bit harder!

There is another Singaporean from another class and he introduced us to this super awesome restaurant for lunch today. I would say that it was totally worth the 15 minutes walk from school (it was so far in the hot sun). Oh man, I had the best ever bibimbap I've had in my life! I've never thought bibimbap would taste this good and I've had many!
And it was reasonably priced too!
That bibimbap was only 4,500 won, which would easily be $8 in U.S. Our classmate had this udon thing, but it's totally not udon noodle, but more like pad thai noodle, and it was SUPER GOOD!!!!! (no picture though, but I'm going back again, for sure!)

Their chair was super smart! The seat cushion is removable so you can put your bag in it! Genius!!!!
Here is a picture of the restaurant and I also marked it on Google map so I can find my way back again!
For the afternoon, we went to a Nexen Heroes baseball game. They said that baseball game is really big in Korea.... and it's true.
The school bought us these plastic bangers (I'm not sure what they're called). They have an inflating station for you to inflate it. Some of us inflated it super large that it seemed like it was about to burst..
Before we enter the stadium, we got fried chicken at the restaurant next to the stadium. We got two kinds: regular sunflower oil fried and soy sauce. Along with fries.
Holding the chicken reminds me of 지방, our fat cell friend from yesterday. Hahaha...

Verdict? Hmm... it was ok. It was not as amazing as I thought it would be. I think BBQ Chicken in H-Mart plaza is better......

Here are the happy people eating fried chicken. The time it takes for them to make fried chicken is as long as it is in the U.S., about 30 minutes or more.
Alright, on to the game. It was really fun..... with this guy as the main cheerleader who led us in all kinds of dance and things.
So a few things I've learned or noticed about Korean baseball game:
1. Their cheers are mostly Kpop songs. I've heard a lot of them... but not enough to be singing along to all of them like the people in my class.

2. Everyone is really unified :) We all did the cheers together.

3. We were by far the most enthusiastic group. Hahahaha.... we sat at the front, right next to the cheerleaders, and they were always talking to us (they even gave some directions in English when we weren't following along... hahaha).
So the cheer is "lee tae keun an-ta", which means "lee tae keun safe", as in 安打 in Chinese, or just safely arrive on base (I don't know the English phrase for it). We just keep cheering an-ta the whole night, while the other team keeps cheering "home run", and I was thinking...... why are we only trying to get safely on the bases instead of getting a home run. Bleh.

4. We weren't supposed to buy beer because we came as a university group and there are a few people who are underage (the Korean drinking age is 20 in Korean age), so they don't want us to break the rule. HOWEVER, the TAs who went with us bought beer for themselves in secret, and we were all like "안돼요!" (don't do it!) to make fun of them,.... hahaha. Then a lot of the students went and bought some beer after the rule is broken. Haha, funny.

After they drank some beer, they were more "high"..... pretty crazy cheering and dancing after that. Hahaha..

5. They have a cheer/song for EVERY PLAYER! When the player is at bat, everyone will sing the song for that player. And every player has a different song! Wow!!
6. Learned three words in Korean at the game today:
an-ta - 安打
sam-jin - 三振
se-oo - shrimp (because my classmate and I were trying to look at the menu and I was confused what sae-oo was...)

7. There are a lot of people who were still in their business attires. I think they just came to the baseball game as an after work relaxing activity to eat, drink, watch a program, and hangout with co-workers. They were a bit upset that we were cheering so crazily that we were blocking their view..... sigh.

Anyways, it was quite fun. I ate 2 cough drops afterwards to make sure I still have a voice tomorrow......

The team we were cheering for was Nexen Heroes, which won by a landslide against Eagles. The final score was 13 to 6. But it was quite an exciting game!

1 comment:

  1. I don't mind your breakfast posts! Bibimbap, fried chicken, and kpop baseball?? That sounds like a perfect day. =)
    I think your teacher just have that high expectation Asian mentality. The disappointment demeanor pushes you to succeed! Don't take it too personally la!
