Saturday, July 22, 2017

Last day.....

I woke up this morning and had the sudden realization: I'm leaving tomorrow. For reals. Sigh, so sad. Seriously, so sad.

I went to visit my student today at Gyeonggido, which is an hour away..... I didn't know they live that far from Seoul! She goes to this really good hair stylist so I went there as well. The stylist said that she doesn't think I should perm my hair again, which I agree, since I've already dyed it twice and permed it once... it will be super fuzzy if I do it again. I showed her a picture of the color I want, which is called ash brown.... so she went for it! She had to bleach it a bit, and actually did that twice, and then washed it off and cut it into a style.
My hair turned out really good! I didn't quite take an after picture, but you'll see it in the other pictures. She said she put four different color in this color so it looks different under different lights. She's really good! The whole thing cost 170,000 won, which I think is not a bad price given the amount of work she did (3 hours, and she was really carefully cutting each strand of hair). I look so cool afterwards! But now my eyebrows are too dark for my hair....

My student stayed with me the whole time while I was getting my hair done. We talked A LOT... from noraebang to guys she likes and etc.... I sometimes feel like maybe I'm too close with them? I just talk to them about anything they want to talk about... and most of them see me more as their older sister instead of their teacher. Haha.

And then we went to meet up with my other student, who said he was gonna meet me in Korea the whole time we were in US, but didn't show up until the day before I was gonna leave! Definitely gave him a hard time about that, out of jest, of course. We went to eat and then went to this board game room that he and his friends go to a lot. I didn't know these kind of places exist!
They basically section off the room into several small rooms, which are separated by just basic separators. They have a table inside with some chairs for you to play games. You can only pick one game at a time, and then bring it back when you're done. You order drinks and then pay by the hour that you're there.

We played three games total that we were there. This Korean game called DaVinci Code, Splendor, and Settlers. We were all very into the games after we got started.... and we really had a blast! Of course, the A/C room definitely helped in this super humid and hot weather.....

This is DaVinci Code. The idea is that you have to guess what tiles your opponents have to get rid of the tiles. The person with the most tiles win at the end.
And this is the Korean Settlers. Their markers are so much more extravagant!
Here are my students! One really doesn't like taking pictures!
And the last scene of Settlers....... I didn't win :(
One last picture with them before I leave from the subway station. I'll see them again in US!
And then it was another hour back by subway..... it definitely took some time getting back. The air was soooo hot and humid today. So much so that I just want to stay indoors all day. I mean, you cannot walk without sweating. It was crazy. Anyways, I went to my Singaporean friends' apartment for one last meal before we each go our separate ways. It was such a sad night.... but they were so awesome! They made so much food for us!
Yum! And then we talked a lot and stuff until 10pm when I really had to leave to pack and get ready for tomorrow's flight...
And then they gave me a gift before I left! I was super touched.......... really didn't expect them to get anything for me. I feel really thankful to have met these ladies. One of them was in my first class before I switched level, and the other was in the current class. If I hadn't met them, this trip would have been so boring just all by myself. We got pretty close by the end of the program... I basically just stuck to them the whole time... and we did a lot of crazy things together. I'm glad that they never really thought that I am too old to be mixing in the crowd (yeah, I try, haha). Sigh, I'm really gonna miss them. The thing we keep trying not to say, but say from time to time is..... I hope we see each other again :*( Sigh, we meet so many awesome people in the program, but it ended so quickly and we wonder if we'll ever get to see each other again. I really hope we do!!!!

And as a goodbye gift, they gave me this book that we're not calling the Korean language bible. Haha. So one of them became really good in Korean by studying through this book... and I can't believe they bought it for me! They said that it was sold out at Sogang University's bookstore..... aww.... they probably went to other places to get it for me :(
And then they also got me Ji-Bang! Our friend! We saw it a lot yesterday in Hongdae (as you have seen from the previous post), but I didn't want to buy it because it was so expensive! They know that people want it so they were selling the small plush for 5,000 won! Geez. But they got one for me!! Awwww..... I was super touched!
And then they each wrote me a postcard :( Aww... really wanna cry :( Even though we only knew each other for 5 weeks, they treat me like a super good friend! I really regret not buying anything for them..... I've already eaten at their place like 3 times! :(
Sigh. Tomorrow is the day. It was super hard to pack up today..... I bought wayyyyy too much stuff, and now I can't pack everything in. Sigh. Tomorrow's gonna be an adventure trying to get to the airport. The plan is to take a taxi to the nearest subway station (that is if they will take me) and then take AREX to the airport. We'll see how that goes....

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, BYE KOREA~~~~~~~~~~

    Your Singaporean friends are super cute and sweet! And great cooks! Maybe you can visit them in Singapore next summer!!! Praise God for bringing awesome people!

    How about opening a board games store in DB heh heh

    Keep postin'!!! Can't wait for TW!!!
