Saturday, July 8, 2017

Seriously need to watch my food intake....

Alright, what was my adventure today? Well, since I ate so much yesterday, I feel like I should skip normal breakfast for a day and I got a cake from GS25 instead. Yeah, probably not a good choice if I want to maintain a normal weight...
I'm getting to know Ryan so well in Korea. He's definitely my friend now. Which is the reason I also took a picture with him today.
Anyways, back to the adventure. So we went trekking in Seoul today, in this place called An San, which is actually a mountain in the middle of Seoul, in Sodaemun (West Gate). It was raining really hard last night, and the forecast said it will pretty much rain from now to next week. The trek was scheduled for today, but a lot of people probably didn't show up because they 1) don't want to wake up that early in the morning, 2) thought it would be canceled due to possible rain, 3) don't want to trek. Anyways, we showed up, it rained, but we trekked anyways.
That's my friend Joanne and I trying to trek up the mountain.... it was quite steep and we were tired :(

So about 15 people showed up to the hike. The teachers said we are pretty much on our own on the trail (it's really like a walk in the park instead of hiking), so a lot of the students went on their ways while a few of us stayed with our teachers. Wow... it was a Korean workout. They kept trying to speak to us in Korean to make us practice really hard...... We really appreciate their patience in speaking to us slowly and using simple words and sentence structures so we can communicate. A lot of people in Korea don't have patience to help us learn..... like the cashier today, when I asked her if they sold this certain makeup in their store (in Korean), she just said no, and when I asked her where I can buy it, she just pointed outside without saying a word. I looked outside and I don't see any makeup store, and I think she just meant "not here". It was not kind at all.

Anyways, An San was a very nice place to trek...... very misty at times when it's not raining.
We can even see a lot of Seoul from the top of the mountain.
We took a picture of our small sub-unit hiking group :)
After the hike, we went to lunch at a Sinchon restaurant that has "Korean One Chicken". It was quite good..... and it looks like it's quite famous based on the pictures at the front of the restaurant?
We didn't know how to eat it at all.... so we had to ask the waitress what we're supposed to do with all the ingredients on our table..
We also ordered cold noodles, just in case it wasn't enough food for the four of us who went to lunch together.
The food was really good. The chicken was very fresh, so the meat really "bounces back" when you eat it. That usually happens when my mom buys fresh chicken. You have to make the sauce yourself, and I think I added too much of the sour stuff (I'm not sure which one was sour... I'm guessing the mustard sauce), so I didn't really enjoy the sauce as much. Nevertheless, it was a very good meal..... and the soup was excellent! We drank to the last drop of the soup..

After this, we went walking around Sinchon in hopes of walking off the food we just ate...... and a classmate bought this doughnut thing, which I forgot how to pronounce..
Not bad, but it kind of reminded me of sesame ball from dimsum. 

Then we went to have binsu at Sulbing again. This is my 3rd time at this place in the last 2 weeks or so.... my goodness. I'm a good patron :p
The one on the left is green tea and chocolate, and the one on the right is mango and cheesecake. Mmm... not bad. But I think I'm gonna stop eating binsu from now on because I want to save up some money for the good ice in Taiwan. These were good, but not spectacular. Bleh.

Then we went shopping at Ewha University (이대), which I bought two tote bags for 20,000 won. Ok price, not too expensive. Before went there, we saw this huge line outside the subway station.
We wanted to ask them what they were waiting in line for, but the four of us stood around for 5 minutes trying to figure out how to say that in Korean... which we ended up just giving up on that idea and just followed the line to figure out what's going on.
Apparently, they lined up to buy products of this rabbit. I don't really understand why..... but I guess it's popular. I would have thought it was Apple releasing their new phone..

In one of the stores, we had another Ji-Bang spotting.
They put it in a clothing store! Why?!?! The Korean says "Ji-Bang is looking for its owner". We all said if we see Ji-Bang selling anywhere, we'd buy it!

And then at another clothing store, they sold these Pokemon shirts... and this Pikachu was mimicked by Ditto!
Haha, it's so funny and cute!

And then we went to another Line store and since there was finally not a lot of people taking pictures with the huge Brown, I decided to take pictures with it.
Last thing.... we ate at streetside Tteokkboki store. I had 4 oden and tteok-twi.
I really ought to stop eating so much and spending so much money..... I'm getting a lot fatter even though I'm walking tens of thousands of steps each day. Oh man..... and the money spending.... I don't even want to look at how much money I have left and etc -_-

Alright, gotta get ready for bed. I started studying Seventeen's songs today..... haha, it's like homework!


  1. I was heartbroken by the makeup store story. Grrrr... darn koreans. I want to apologize on behalf of all rude Koreans. That chicken soup looks so yummy! you fight the heat with HEAT!!! is that sweet rice flour donut"? does it have red beans inside? don't you love all the street food? I think Korean food is somewhat cheap in Korea.... except for trendy food or coffee shop food.

    1. Aw... it's ok Jen :) There will always be not so nice people in every culture. However, I met a few nicer vendors today! And I think those are the sweet rice flour donuts, but nothing inside.

      Street food-wise, I LOVE the oden! I don't know why it just tastes so much better here. And tteokbokki is always a favorite. And yes...... somehow the coffee shops are crazy expensive, but normal meals are ok. Bingsu is ridiculously expensive :( Makes me sad that I can't eat them everyday :(
