Monday, July 23, 2018

2nd to last day in Korea

This is the second to the last day in Korea..... after much much food, we have come to the point where we feel that we can't eat anymore. But we still must eat.

Got up around 12pm and went out to get some food. We found this place next to our hostel that lets you order Japanese food through a kiosk (and pay too) so they can reduce labor cost. The place is actually really nicely decorated even though they don't have a large staff.
And this is Joyce waiting for food...
Our food was actually quite delicious! I couldn't really stuff all of it in my stomach though.... big eating the previous days..

Joyce's bulgogi rice.
My tonkatsu.
After lunch, I went to meet this person I met through the Korean app that helps me learn Korean with other Korean. I was a bit nervous since I've never met this person before. However, she turned out to be pretty cool, and we talked for four hours just about culture, life, and etc.
We randomly found this cafe in Hongdae (seriously, there are TONS of cafe in Hongdae), and it was quite awesome. It's upstairs, and it has these balcony seating that's still enclosed with air condition, so you can people watch.
All the cafes in Seoul have their own style and I really really like them. There is definitely no lack of cafe in Seoul.... but their prices often can be steep. I wish there would be more cafes like these in LA so I can frequent them!

This is the cheesecake that we got.
Not bad. I would say the drink in this cafe is not bad, but would not be the reason for me to consider coming back again.

By the time we finished talking, it was already 6:30pm and since Joyce is reading at a cafe, I thought I would just take my last stroll around Hongdae. It was still SOOOO hot..... seriously, every Korean we met says this is the hottest and abnormal summer ever. And everyone who walks into every store has this "oh goodness, I'm now alive" expression on their face as the A/C blows on their face. It really is too hot.

There were a lot of buskers today (hope they survive the hotness) and this one in particular had soooooooooo many people setting up real cameras to film her! I was like.... what's the big deal? So I waited until she started singing. Not bad, but why such a following?
Is it just because she's cute? Or is she actually famous? I have no idea..... and just walked away.

I thought that I would shop one last time in Korea so I walked around the clothing stores in Hongdae... and to my dismay, I saw this girl from China doing a live broadcasting, in Chinese, to a lot of follower with her phone. So apparently, she was trying to buy clothes for these random people on live broadcasting. She could pull her phone really close to the cloth, describe the clothes, and call it "this is #1, this is #2", and take orders like that. She was sooooo loud. I don't know... I really don't like people who kind of takes advantage of what other country offers for their own benefit. I left with distaste in my expression and went to the other stores. Except that I met her again! Ugh. Bleh.

After an unsuccessful shopping for about an hour, I met up with Joyce at her cafe and went to eat dinner. Last dinner in Korea. This place sells more traditional snack food... and we also ordered it through a kiosk!

The tteokbokki was soooo spicy though. Cannot eat it without sweating. The spicy kimbap is really good..... It looks like I've expanded my tolerance for spicy food!
Came back, watched an hour of "Are you human too?" drama, and decided that we'll just pack tomorrow. Time to go back. Kind of bittersweet, but mostly glad to go back to my normal life. If I were to come back again, I would want to come back because of a specific purpose and have that be a regular part of my daily routine, like attending a Korean class for passing an exam, working at a job, or something like that. I don't really want to vacation with no plans... because I don't think I would be able to have enough energy to make myself get up everyday, to walk outside everyday (especially when it's hot) for that long. It makes me not enjoy my vacation as much (I suppose I'm a bit workaholic...).

Alright, flight is checked in, and ready to go back to America tomorrow with my friend's dog!


  1. Can't wait to hear your stories when you are back!

  2. Have a safe trip back soon! Sometimes you have to enjoy no planned vacation.

  3. Aww.. What a nice wrap up of your trip. You established so many friendly ties there and had all the yummy tasting food! Plus, the shopping, sight-seeing, and the kdrama celeb spotting. I think you had a fun filling trip! Minus the err... language cafe basement snafu.
