Friday, July 13, 2018

Back in Seoul... and the winner today is....

This morning, we woke up in Busan and thought that we would walk around Seomyeon just to see what it offers since I slept through the whole night last night. Well..... it was SUPER HOT. Just a few steps and I'm sweating like crazy. However, we did walk around the Seomyeon cafe street, which was only two blocks away from where we stayed. They had a lot of cafes, but also a lot of regular stores that were not as pretty... but I just took some pictures of the pretty ones.
At the Busan Station, we bought some fish cakes from this place. Busan is famous for their seafood, so likewise, the fish cakes are famous too. Since we didn't get to eat any yesterday, we thought we would get some today.
They have soooo many different kinds of fish cakes... but we just got a few to try. They were pretty good!
This one was soooo spicy. Eating one makes me sit there for a while before I can feel normal again. But it's a nice kind of spicy that makes you want to continue eating. The spicy sauce seems to be caramelized with sugar so that it is a bit sticky.
And this one, is what I would call a 김어묵 (kim fish cake), because it's basically the same as kimbap, except they replaced the rice with fish cake. It's pretty good :)

The lady who sold me the fish cakes probably thought I bought a lot so she gave me another bag of fish cake for free.... it's in the freezer now.

Getting back to Seoul made us realized that no matter how hot Seoul is, it will never be as hot as Busan. We have been trained harshly by Busan that nothing fazes us anymore!

We're not settled in Hongdae, which is the hot place at night. The hostel is really nice. Pretty much has everything we need.
The laundry machine is not free though.... 3,000 won per use. However, the landlord allowed us to use it for the first time for free, so we finally did our laundry today!

So yeah, the winner today is........ mosquitos. I didn't realize how bad the bites are until now. I have 7 mosquito bites, most likely from the hike. Ugh, so upset! My legs look horrible!!

And the loser is.... the long commute to Gangnam. So we had about 2 hours in Hongdae before we had to get to Gangnam for our shift. It took probably more than an hour to get there with walking and subway. By the time we finished at 10pm, we had to get on the subway (another hour) with the rest of the young people who finished their 불금 (Friday night) fun night out, which made the subway super crowded. I'm pretty glad that Sunday is the last day we'll be there.

It's only been a week since we're in Korea and it felt like a month. We're gonna be without plans for the next 12 days or so..... please submit your ideas on what we should do/where we should go!!


  1. Shopping!
    Raccoon cafe!

    You should ask your students!

    1. Hahaha, yeah, Joyce asked them and we're meeting with one of them tomorrow and another one next Sunday.
