Thursday, June 29, 2017


Mmmm.... breakfast.....

So Korean dorm food (maybe just in our cafeteria) doesn't have a lot of meat.... or I feel like Korean food doesn't have a lot of meat in general. But I like it anyways because it's so flavorful. I really LOVE all the soup, except the 3 meals that they kept using miso as base... just a little too strong.
So today's culture class we get to do taekwondo. Our sa-beom-nim was really funny... he really knows how to interact with the class. We got to do all the basic warm up exercises and also a few punches and kicks. I realized how super inflexible my body is....... oiy!!
Sorry I don't have any more pictures because we were all doing the moves and I couldn't have anywhere to put my phone. But the teacher's aides took a lot of pictures.... we just have to get it from them later (I suppose). It was really fun :) We have to make sure we had 기합 when we did it..... basically we have to use 丹田 to say "hiya!" Anyways, it was fun.... but I think I'm too old to start doing taekwondo.

The sa-beom-nim says we had to break the wooden plank with our fist before we can complete the class.... here's the evidence of my break.

So after class, I went to shop at Sinchon and got more make up and face cleaning supplies. This time I went to this place called Memebox. It's kind of funny how they have two doors, before and after. So you enter from before, and the people in there can help you put on make up to decide which product you want to buy (there are only two brands), and then you exit looking better (after you buy it). I spent a lot of time with this lady in there who speaks Chinese (I only buy make up if they speak Chinese... not that Chinese is special, it's just that they don't usually speak English, but the majority of them speak Chinese, and that's how we communicate about make up). She's actually a Chinese who came to Korea.
Anyways, I left with new compact cushion thing and a concealer. My classmates said I look much better with make up on.... yeah, the lady put A LOT (in my mind) of make up on me.

I went to this place called ArtBox later. This is a pretty popular place among the foreigners for cute stuff. I think there is at least one in U.S., but it's not nearly as popular as it is in Korea.
By the way, this is me with make up on.
And since no one was taking pictures with these things, I used my time trying to take selfies. I didn't end up buying much of anything...... I think this is more for people who like little stuff here and there. I think I'm really too old to be buying a lot of this kind of stuff that I'll never use and just collect dust. Bleh. But I got a small card case to hold all my cards (T-Money, dorm room card, laundry card, ID card, etc) while I'm in Asia.

I forgot to mention, I went to get some bingsu today. Once by myself, and once with classmates. Man.... are they expensive. One cost 8,000 won and the melon one cost 14,000 won. Bleh. So unnecessary! I asked our Korean student aide why it's so expensive, and she said it used to be cheap, but now they make it into like a "dessert item" so it becomes very fancy and so it's expensive. Dang it.
I know we have the same place in U.S., but I thought I'd give it a try anyways.
8,000 won?! Dude!!
Not bad... but 8,000 won?! I can probably get a lot better ice in Taiwan...... booo....
And this is the melon bingsu we got. I'd say that this is more of a gimmick than really tasting so much better. The 8,000 won one tasted much better.

Then while I was eating bingsu, a classmate texted our entire class on Kakao Talk...
I thought about going there to see him, but then I remembered.... I don't know how this person looks like?! I had to Google him to see how he looks like..... which reminded me that this is the guy I've seen on Shinee's video before. But then again, I really don't know this person.... so I gave up the idea of trying to walk there. Nevertheless, our classmates were all super excited.
The highlight of the day was me walking into a open concert in Sinchon. They were SUPER GOOD!
I was so impressed that I stayed until the very end and donated some money for their band. AND took pictures with them afterwards.
They seem like really cute college kids :)

Thus ends the day. Tomorrow we're going to a field trip for two days at some places outside Seoul. Gotta meet early in the morning to take the bus there.

Last thought: Koreans don't wear sunglasses! Ahhhhhh..... I asked the Korean class aide why they don't wear sunglasses even though they sell them on the street (!?!?!!?!) and she said it's because Koreans think sunglasses are fashion items and you only wear them if you want to grab other people's attention. They don't see it as something to protect your eyes -_-. So I haven't been wearing sunglasses because I don't want to upset their culture too much. Nevertheless, we're going on a field trip tomorrow and I'm going to feign ignorance and wear sunglasses anyways.

Alrighty, good night!


  1. JUST saw the uptown open concert clip! YES SO GOOD!!
    But I bet you and I can play the same ;)

    No sunglasses!? Eh, protection first!

    Hmm... I think you look the SAME in make-up pic, just more defined eyebrows!

    1. Seriously? No...... that guy and the girl were super good. I don't think we're quite at that level yet.....

  2. Ooooo... So cool you got to expensive taekwondo! Sorry but didn't know you had makeup on. Lol. Those artbox characters are super cute! Korea is full of random college bands on the street. It's pretty cool! I've seen that melon bingsoo thing online! Looked super cool too, but sad it wasn't that good....
