Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Kpop Dance - Day 2

Alright, there is actually not too many things to talk about today... haha.

In language class today, we had to make up a story about Hans ssi, who wanted to watch a Germany vs. Korea soccer game, but his TV is broken, and he calls his tennis coach.... and how he got to watch the game anyways. So my friend and I made up this hilarious conversation in Korean that we laughed until we were both crying. And then the teacher asked us to perform in front of the class..... It makes me feel more confident about speaking Korean now..... in class. In front of people who I feel are more impatient or I feel I am wasting their time, my Korean goes to zip. Bleh.

Our Kpop class has ended today. We got through the chorus and that's it. The teacher split us into two teams and we even got a formation for our team! It was quite a sweaty sweaty day. After class ended at 4pm, our team decided that we will wear a unified color of black and pink for Blackpink for the recording tomorrow, so I went shopping at Ewha University. Got this pretty nice big pink shirt for 5,000 won. Not bad.

On the way back to the dorm, I saw our dance teacher! It was gonna be the last day we see her since we are not recording in the dance studio tomorrow....... so I had to take a picture with her! She's so pretty!
And then the craziness happened..... we practiced the song from 8:30pm - 11:30pm. We were drenched. We actually practiced in this room with mirrors inside the dorm for a few hours and stunk up the place. I had to get my Febreeze out (yes, I brought it from US. It comes in handy in multiple occasions) and spray the place out!

Alright, tomorrow we're gonna be recording so I'll share with you guys the final video when it's done!

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