Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Last day at that apartment....

Thank you faithful readers for following our journey out of the apartment. Finally, the day has come - the day for us to move out of that apartment. I packed my bags quickly in the morning so we can just jet out right after work.

Last night some more shenanigan happened and I was soooo glad that we are OUT today. So last night, one of the girls in our room brought over this guy. She politely asked us if it's ok that he's here to visit even though the rule book says no visitors. I figured that he's just visiting to see her so I said ok.... but little did I know, she wanted him to stay!

First, they were watching some stuff on laptop in the dining room area and since ALL the plugs have been occupied (seriously, there was NO place to ever charge our phones and etc), she ran an extension cord to the bathroom.... serious tripping and electric hazard.

Next, they started drinking outside, and I was hoping that it doesn't become some drunken party. Seriously, I'm too old for this.

So I tried to ignore them and went to sleep, and by that time, Joyce was already asleep. But I really needed to go to the bathroom so I went outside, which Joyce also followed because she needed the bathroom too! The bathroom was occupied because the girl was taking a shower so we just patiently waited outside. Joyce didn't want to wait anymore so she went back to sleep while I just waited in the kitchen (by this time, no one was in the kitchen). When the girl came out of the shower, she was wearing a shirt and just underwear. And then..... the guy friend came out with a shirt and like a towel around his butt. I stared at him like, "what the heck?!" At this time, I went to the room to wake up Joyce and told her the bathroom is available. She went to the bathroom and the guy just stood really still in the kitchen. With that towel.

I was like.... ok, this shenanigan is too much for me. I had the same experience at least twice in college where my roommate brought her boyfriend back and showered together (omg) or that they were sleeping in my room when I tried to go in and get my stuff.

So I went back to sleep and the guy and girl snuck into the room. WTH! Seriously!? What if some girl was undecently dressed in our room!? I was thinking... I'm so glad I'm out today!! I really don't know why they find these living conditions acceptable. The bathroom has been smelling like poop for days because the trash was stinking up the place. I sprayed my handy-dandy Febreeze that I brought from America (that thing is really handy... must have in travels!) in hopes that the place would smell better.

Alright, long story short, we were out by this afternoon. But before we leave the place, Joyce and I did a rating of all six bunks, #1 being the utmost worst bunk to have and #5 being the best bunk.
#1 - the winner goes to..... the bunk that has the A/C RIGHT NEXT TO IT. First of all, what the heck?! If your head goes there, you literally will hit your head on it all the time. If your feet goes there, you will be super cold. Well, I guess that's number two, wayyyyy too cold! Super bad bunk....

#2 - my bed. That A/C is blowing STRAIGHT AT ME. Notice how I have three blankets?! These Korean blankets are not sufficient in keeping one warm! They are really holey so cold air goes straight through the holes into my bones (my flesh can't even block the draft!). I had to put a bedsheet that is woven more closely together in order to block the cold air.

#3 - Joyce's bed. It was also very cold for her, although not as bad. She sleeps towards my bunk, so the light was constantly shining on her... making it a 3rd worst place to live.

#4 - The bunk underneath the A/C. AKA, the bunk with the lady and the guy friend. Not a bad place to live, but there is not a lot of room to spread out her stuff.

#5 - Joyce and I think that the rest of the two bunks are equally good in comparison to the rest. The girl who sleeps in the bed below (my bunkmate) never slept there. I often wondered whether I can just take her spot.

In this picture, only the two people sleeping in #5 spot are STILL living there. Joyce, #4 girl, and I already moved our stuff out at the time this picture is taken. This mean, this picture is showing only luggages from TWO PEOPLE! It's already half full! If at full capacity of six people, where do are these people supposed to spread their luggage?! Insanity!

The last thing is shenanigan. It's right outside the hallway of our apartment. I always get scared by this, regardless of the time of the day.
The maekju lady (my classmate from last year dubbed I.U. as the soju lady). Who puts a life-size poster board in the hallway like this?! Scares me every single time! My peripheral vision always picks up this person in the corner and then I have to remember that it's just the maekju lady. Ugh.

We spent about 30 minutes in the morning trying to find something to eat that's not too expensive..... but we ended up at this cafe and ate some unhealthy food for breakfast.
We really don't know what to eat for breakfast that's not Paris Baguette over and over again.

While at the cafe, we FaceTimed Rose to wish her happy birthday. This was us when she didn't pick up at first.
We talked to her about an hour.... then decided to spend the rest of the morning at the Starfield Library near COEX.
This is a "where's Joyce?" picture.

Joyce was totally immersed with the books in the library. We even tried to read this children's book on getting kids to do mystery math questions. Joyce is pretty good at figuring out what the comic said (she was about 80% accurate) without knowing any Korean!
I would say we spent a good 2 hours there. There just wasn't too much to do at that place. The library is attached to the mall, which was full of American mall-like stores.... so it wasn't too interesting to us.

Around 12:30pm or so, we walked to the food court with a bunch of salarymen and ate lunch at this Indian place.
We shared this lunch set together. It was a really strange thing about what we ordered. So, this set cost 12,500 won, while another set cost 14,500 won, but included more stuff. We wanted to order the other set so we can share, but they said no.... you HAVE to order two individual ones if you want that set. However, you CAN share this cheaper set. I asked why we can't share the other one, they explained that there are two pieces of tandoori chicken in the set so you need to have two people order two sets to share. I don't get it. Joyce doesn't get it. We both don't understand why you would want people to split the cheaper meal since.... um.... you earn less? Unless there was just a lot that was lost in translation.

The food was decent, but I feel that it was a bit watered down. Joyce liked it and said maybe there are just all different sorts of Indian curry.

After lunch, we speed walked to the cafe to start our four-hour shift again. The people I talked to today were pretty fun, so it was easy to spend four hours with them. This picture below is me with the other three people during my last hour. The girls are both 22 and the guy is 23. They asked me how old I am and I told them to guess. The guy said I look 25 and I was like..... are you kidding me?! Do I look only 2 years older? (or he's just really bad at assessing age). They continued to guess... 28? 30? When I told them that I'm 35, they were all super shocked and said they don't want to believe it... the girls said they want to erase it from their memory. Ah, such nice kids. I'm sure I don't look that young. Haha.
As soon as work was done, it was time to go! We dragged our luggages first to the Gangnam station and IT. WAS. PACKED! I've only seen pictures of this kind of subway in Chinese and Japanese pictures. I never knew that it would happen in Korea too!!
It was so scary. Those people were right against the invisible door, anticipating door closing. In that last picture, the guy on the right was just holding his hand up at one point, holding on to nothing because.... he was anticipating the door closing and wanted to have the right posture lest the door closes on his hand. We had to wait for the third train to come in order to drag our luggage on and wait with others.

Finally got to Seoul Station and waited for KTX to come.
It was kind of scary that..... NO ONE CHECKED OUR TICKETS! No one! Anyone can go down to that platform and just get on the train. Joyce kept commenting that's how the zombie got on that train in the first place.
That placard literally says 부산행, which is the name of that movie! Ahhhh.......
On the train, Joyce kept commenting that the TV is showing that things are going down in Seoul, but this government official is telling everyone not to panic because everything is under control.
We're scared!!
Ok, not really.

Finally got to our hotel. We might do a hotel rating later because this one was not that great. Haha.
There was an used toothpaste in the bathroom and bathroom smells. I think they wanted us to continue using the toothpaste -_-. Just like there are large bottles of shower gel, shampoo, and etc in the bathroom that was half used.

We killed three mosquitos upon our arrival. Joyce is now the mosquito terminator. Kill them lest they kill (bite) you.

I tried watching some Korean drama (this one is really popular now. Miss Hammurabi), but it's not that interesting when you can only understand 50% of it. It's really strange to see no subtitle at all.
That's it folks! Super tired now... 1:30am. Time to sleep!

1 comment:

  1. wow Ann, this trip has been very interesting so far ^__^ I love your travel blog! I am so glad you are done with that place! Love the frame by frame of that "scary lady" in the hallway, that happened to me too. And the guy holding the fan on the subway is funny!
