Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Official 1st Day in Busan..... feet swollen...

Today commenced the first full day in Busan, and it was tiring!

First, breakfast.

The hotel offered a pretty light complimentary breakfast. Not too bad.
The cafe inside the hotel was really nice. They let us eat breakfast there, which means we got to take a lot of pictures!
(I look super tired...)
After breakfast, it was time to head over to the famous Haeundae beach. Ah, first beach of the summer! It was nice! Busan was much much hotter than Seoul (granted that we got quite lucky with cold and not humid Seoul air for the last 3 days or so...). Today felt like a hot Taiwan day.... sweating and hot the whole day.
What was surprising at the beach was that there are vendors that sell these "umbrella spots" around the beach. You can only sit under their umbrella if you pay 24,000 won for sitting the whole day. What the heck?! I didn't know your can privatize beach space?!
Although Joyce and I both didn't bring swim suit, it didn't prevent us from going as deep into the water as we possibly can. The little kids who were next to us screamed every time the water hits them. So cute!
We bought some tteokbokki, sundae (this is not sundae like ice cream... this is the blood sausage stuff), and tempura mixed for lunch. I think a full order of sundae was a bit too much.... we left a lot of it uneaten.
After visiting the beach, we walked around the surrounding area to the peninsula in the most southern part of Busan.

There was this nice walkway through a park that goes around the whole peninsula. It was sooo hot today that both Joyce and I got burned because we didn't reapply sunscreen. I seriously thought that I couldn't get burned in Asia, but I was proven wrong.
And then we visited this APEC building, where in 2014, the Pacific world leaders held a meeting.
After a long trek back to the subway station, and a heat stroke later (Joyce), we decided to just find cool solace in the Shinsegae mall....'s food court.
I just saw this cheese tart clip on Facebook.... and here it is in Shinsegae! What a coincidence! This shop has three flavors of cheese tart: Hokkaido milk, chocolate, and lemon. I just got the milk one to try. Hmm... not bad, but I probably won't try it again.
We actually then spent a bit of time shopping in H&M and Banilla & Co. It's nice to shop in American stores in Korea because they usually make clothes that fit the Asian body and style better, so it's easier to buy clothes that fit better.

And thus this picture! Haha! (the big bag is actually just mine)
Since we were right next to the Busan International Film Festival building, we stopped by to take some pictures.
Little did we know, they have these events on summer nights in this area.... where they show movies for free! When we got there, the show was gonna start in 30 minutes! Wow! We were able to watch a film, sitting in the same places those stars would sit in!

The movie was an Indian movie called "The Request" (loosely translated), which was about a quadriplegic who wanted the people who helped him the past 14 years to help him fight for legalized death. It was quite hard to understand the film since the actors spoke mostly in Hindi (I assume that was what they were speaking) and some English, while the subtitles were in Korean. I can't read Korean that fast, so I was just trying to pick up all the vocab without figuring out what the grammar was, and just try to come up with a story with those words. Bleh. I think the story was pretty self-explanatory that we got the gist of it.

Sorry for a very non-elaborative post. Just wayyy too tired today after all that adventure. My feet were soooo swollen that they filled the sandals to the brim.

Lastly, some funny pictures.

We saw this restaurant name and started singing the theme song in that accent. Area with golden hair.
And also, this is the hair that Sherry warned me not to get.
To their defense, they're not trying to dye your hair into a gradient of pudding, but to make it like a brown color. I'm guessing the pudding part is the shaking the dye part...

Alright, tomorrow we're gonna get some real Busan food.... hopefully my Korean gets us through all the food ordering!

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